Why Do My Darts Land Sideways

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Are you a dart enthusiast, trying to master the art of a good throw, but often finding your darts inexplicably landing sideways on the dartboard? Many darts players wonder why their darts land sideways instead of straight toward their target, you’re not alone. Many dart players face this frustrating issue, and it can significantly impact your game of darts.

We’ll dive into the intricacies of the throwing motion, grip on the dart, and the type of dart you use, explaining why darts are landing sideways. Whether you’re a beginner looking to improve or a seasoned pro seeking a consistent throw, understanding the factors that cause the dart to wobble or land askew is essential.

So, step up to the oche, hold your dart with at least three fingers, and let’s explore how to achieve a straighter, more accurate throw that will land on your dartboard pointing towards the target you are aiming for. If you’ve been struggling with your darts’ flight, this article will provide valuable insights to help you change your throw and earn better scores in your next game of darts.

Why Do My Darts Land Sideways

There are a few reasons why your darts might be landing sideways. The most common reason is a bad release. When you release the dart, your fingers should come off evenly, and the dart should leave your hand with a smooth, spinning motion. If your fingers don’t come off evenly, or if you don’t give the dart enough spin, it will be more likely to wobble and land sideways.

Another reason why your darts might be landing sideways is a problem with your grip. If you grip the dart too tightly, or if you grip it in the wrong spot, it can cause the dart to wobble. You should grip the dart lightly, with your fingers spread evenly along the barrel.

Finally, your darts might be landing sideways if you’re not throwing them correctly. If you’re not throwing your darts with enough power, or if you’re not throwing them with a smooth, consistent motion, they’re more likely to wobble and land sideways.

Why Do My Darts Go in at an Angle

There are a few reasons why your darts might be going in at an angle. The most common reason is that your darts are wobbling. A dart can wobble if it is not thrown correctly if it is not the right weight for you, or if it is not clean.

To fix dart wobbling, try the following:

  • Make sure that you are throwing your darts with enough spin. A dart with enough spin will be less likely to wobble.
  • Experiment with different dart weights to find a set that works best for you. A dart that is too heavy or too light for you is more likely to wobble.
  • Clean your darts regularly with a dart cleaner. Dirty darts are more likely to wobble.

Another reason why your darts might be going in at an angle is that you are not aiming them correctly. If you are aiming your darts too high or too low, they will go in at an angle.

To fix this, try aiming your darts slightly higher than the desired target. This will ensure that the darts hit the board at a 90-degree angle.

How To Properly Throw Darts

To properly throw darts, you need to have the right technique. Here are the steps involved in throwing a dart:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your weight evenly distributed.
  2. Place your throwing arm at a 90-degree angle to your body, with your elbow at your side.
  3. Hold the dart lightly in your fingers, with your thumb on the top of the dart and your fingers spread evenly along the barrel.
  4. Aim the dart at the desired target on the dartboard.
  5. Smoothly release the dart from your fingers, giving it a slight spin.

What Angle Should Darts Hit the Board

Darts should hit the board at a 90-degree angle. This will ensure that the dart sticks to the board and does not bounce off.

To achieve a 90-degree hitting angle, you need to aim the dart slightly higher than the desired target. The higher you aim, the steeper the angle will be. You can experiment with different aiming points to find what works best for you.

How Do I Keep My Darts Straight

To keep your darts straight, you need to have the right throw technique. Here are some tips:

  • Make sure that you are throwing your darts with a smooth, consistent motion. A jerky motion will cause your darts to wobble.
  • Use a relaxed grip. A tight grip will cause your darts to wobble.
  • Focus on your release. Make sure that your fingers are coming off the dart evenly.

You can also try experimenting with different dart grips to find what works best for you. A common grip is to place your thumb on the top of the dart and your fingers spread evenly along the barrel. You can also try placing your thumb on the side of the dart.

Tips for Getting your darts to land consistently:

  • Focus on your release. Make sure that your fingers are coming off the dart evenly, and that you’re giving the dart enough spin. You can practice your release by throwing darts at a blank wall and watching how they spin.
  • Check your grip. Make sure that you’re gripping the dart lightly, with your fingers spread evenly along the barrel. You can experiment with different grip positions to see what works best for you.
  • Practice your throw. Make sure that you’re throwing your darts with enough power and with a smooth, consistent motion. You can practice your throw by standing in front of a dartboard and throwing darts at different targets.
  • Use the right darts. Make sure that you’re using the right weight and type of darts for your throwing style. If you’re not sure what darts are right for you, ask a darts professional for help.
  • Keep your darts clean. Dirty darts are more likely to wobble and land sideways. Make sure to clean your darts regularly with a dart cleaner.
  • Warm up before you play. Warming up before you play will help to loosen your muscles and improve your coordination. You can warm up by doing some simple exercises, such as arm circles and shoulder shrugs.

Troubleshooting The Dart Throw

If you’re still having trouble getting your darts to land consistently, here are a few things to try:

  • Adjust your throwing stance. If you’re not standing in the right position, it can affect your throw. Try standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your weight evenly distributed.
  • Adjust your throwing angle. If you’re not throwing your darts at the right angle, it can cause them to wobble and land sideways. Try aiming slightly higher or lower than you normally would.
  • Adjust your grip pressure. If you’re gripping the dart too tightly, or if you’re gripping it too loosely, it can affect your throw. Try experimenting with different grip pressures to see what works best for you.
  • Try different darts. If you’re still having trouble getting your darts to land consistently, it’s possible that the darts you’re using are not right for you. Try using different weights and types of darts to see if you can find a set that works better for you.

If you’re still having trouble, it’s a good idea to consult with a darts professional. They can help you to identify any problems with your throw and give you tips on how to fix them.


In the end, It is concluded that If you’ve ever wondered why your darts land sideways, it’s essential to understand the dynamics behind a dart’s throw. When you step up to the throw line and release your dart, various factors come into play. The type of dart you’re using, its center of gravity, and how you hold it all contribute to the flight of the dart.

Front-weighted darts tend to veer towards the front, while rear-weighted darts lean towards the back. Finding the right balance is crucial for a straighter throw. Practice throwing in front of a mirror to refine your technique, and make sure your dart is pointed correctly. Remember, poorly released darts will fly wobbly and off-target.

Many players prefer to use front-weighted darts, but it ultimately comes down to personal preference. By keeping these tips in mind and honing your skills, you’ll be able to throw your darts straighter towards the board, hitting your target more consistently. And if you’re looking for a new set of darts, check out our recent posts to find the perfect ones for you. 

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