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Why Is The Bullseye In Darts Worth Less Than A Triple 20

Why is the bullseye in darts worth less than a triple 20
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If you’ve ever played darts or watched a game, you might have noticed that the bullseye, despite being at the center of the dartboard, scores less than the outer rings like the triple 20.

Bullseye worth is low because Bullseye scores 50 points while Triple 20 gets 180 points.

This intriguing aspect of the game has puzzled many dart enthusiasts over the years. We’ll dive into the fascinating history and mechanics of darts, revealing the reasons why the bullseye carries a lower score than the triple 20.

By the end, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of why is the bullseye in darts worth less than a triple 20, and impress your friends with your newfound knowledge during your next game night!

The Dartboard: A Historical Perspective

To comprehend why the bullseye scores less than the triple 20, we must first look back at the origins of the dartboard. The game of darts can be traced back to medieval England, where it was initially played with crossbow bolts being thrown at the bottom of a wine barrel. Eventually, this evolved into a circular target, which led to the birth of the traditional dartboard we know today.

The Evolution of Dartboard Scoring

As darts gained popularity, players sought ways to make the game more challenging and competitive. The evolution of dartboard scoring involved various modifications to create a balanced and strategic playing field. Originally, dartboards had no numbers or segments, but as the game progressed, players began to add specific scores to each section of the board.

Understanding the Dartboard Segments

Today’s standard dartboard is divided into 20 numbered segments, each representing a score from 1 to 20. The numbers are strategically arranged to minimize the advantage of any specific throwing style or stance. The triple 20, located at the top, carries the highest score, while the double 20, positioned just above it, also offers a substantial reward for skilled players.

The Bullseye: Hitting the Mark

The bullseye, often referred to as the “bull,” is the small circular area at the center of the dartboard. In a standard game of darts, the bullseye is divided into two sections: the outer bull, worth 25 points, and the inner bull, known as the “double bull” or “bullseye,” worth 50 points.

Why is the bullseye in darts worth less than a triple 20?

The scoring system in darts is designed to reward precision and skill. The reason why the triple 20 scores more than the bullseye lies in the mathematical distribution of scores on the dartboard.

When aiming for the triple 20, players have a larger area to target, increasing their chances of hitting a high-scoring segment. On the other hand, hitting the bullseye requires pinpoint accuracy due to its small size, making it a challenging task even for experienced players.

Strategic Importance: When to Aim for the Bullseye

While the triple 20 offers higher scores, there are strategic scenarios where aiming for the bullseye becomes crucial. In certain game formats, players need to finish on a double (i.e., a double-out) to win the game.

In such situations, going for the bullseye is a strategic move since hitting the inner bull counts as a double 25, securing the victory.

The Psychological Aspect of Scoring

Apart from the mathematical aspect, the scoring system in darts also has a psychological impact on players. Hitting a triple 20 is not only rewarding in terms of points but can also boost a player’s confidence and morale.

The satisfaction of consistently hitting high scores can lead to better overall performance during a game.

Professional Darts Competitions: Scoring Strategies

In professional darts competitions, players showcase their expertise and unique scoring strategies. The choice between aiming for the triple 20 or the bullseye depends on various factors, including the player’s skill level, the game format, and the current score. As spectators, understanding these strategies adds to the excitement and appreciation of the sport.

The Bullseye’s Charm: Iconic Shots and Legends

The bullseye’s significance extends beyond scoring. Throughout darting history, many iconic shots and legendary players have embraced the challenge of hitting the bullseye during critical moments in matches. These moments have become etched in darting folklore, adding to the allure of the bullseye in darts.


In the end, we hope that now you are well aware of why is the bullseye in darts is worth less than a triple 20. The scoring system in darts is a well-crafted blend of mathematics, strategy, and psychology.

While the bullseye scores less than the triple 20 due to its smaller size and the challenge it presents to players, it remains an essential and captivating aspect of the game.

The duality of the bullseye, offering both 25 and 50 points, adds depth and intrigue to the sport, ensuring that every dart thrown holds the potential to make or break a player’s performance.

So, next time you step up to the oche, take a moment to appreciate the history and complexity behind this seemingly simple yet captivating target – the bullseye!

Frequently Asked Questions

If you’ve still got questions about why is the bullseye in darts worth less than a triple 20, then these may help:

Why is Bullseye not the best in darts?

While the bullseye in darts holds a certain mystique, it may not always be the best target. The center can be difficult to hit consistently, making alternative areas more reliable for scoring points. By aiming for the surrounding areas, players have a higher chance of hitting the target and accumulating more points, ultimately leading to a victorious game. 

How do you hit triple 20 every time?

Do you want to hit triple 20 every time? Well, it’s going to take practice, focus, and determination. Work on your stance, aim, and follow-through. Visualize yourself hitting the target, and believe that you can do it. Don’t get discouraged by a few misses, they’re just part of the journey. Keep practicing and pushing yourself, and soon enough, you’ll be hitting triple 20 with ease. 

Why do darts players go for triple 19?

Going for triple 19 in darts is a strategy embraced by skillful players who love a challenge. It demands accuracy, focus, and determination. Hitting the triple 19 not only boosts the score significantly, but it also requires a level of expertise that sets champions apart. So, why settle for the easy options? Aim high, aim for triple 19, and let the thrill of pushing your limits propel you toward victory! 

What scores are impossible in darts?

In the world of darts, the possibilities seem endless. But let’s talk about the scores that are simply impossible to achieve. A perfect score of 180 is every player’s dream, but what about a score of 181 or 179? Well, my friend, those numbers are simply out of reach. So, let’s keep striving for perfection and never give up on improving our darts skills! 

What number is best to hit in darts?

When it comes to darts, there is no perfect number to hit. The best number is the one that challenges you and pushes you to improve. So don’t fret if you haven’t hit that bullseye yet. Keep practicing, keep aiming, and keep your eye on the target. Remember, it’s not about the number, it’s about the journey towards becoming a better player. 

Is it legal to throw all three darts at once?

Not! Although it might seem tempting to throw all three darts at once for a guaranteed win, it is against the rules in any formal game of darts. So, let’s bring out our precision and skill to hit that bullseye one dart at a time. Remember, it’s about the challenge and improvement, not taking shortcuts! 

What is the hardest shot in darts?

The hardest shot in darts is undoubtedly the elusive bullseye. With its tiny size and demanding precision, hitting the bullseye requires incredible concentration and accuracy. But don’t be discouraged! Every dart player knows that with practice and determination, you can master this challenging shot. Keep your eye on the target and never give up, because, with enough effort, you can hit that bullseye every time! 

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